
clause clause [klɔːz ǁ klɒːz] noun [countable]
LAW COMMERCE a part of a written law, contract, or legal document that deals with a particular item or subject:

• Clause 12 enables the Secretary of State to make orders to protect pension rights.

asˈsignment clause INSURANCE LAW
a clause in an insurance agreement that says that someone can pass their rights to another person or company
ˈaverage clause
INSURANCE LAW a condition set by an insurer that a payment for damage or loss will be in proportion to the value insured. For example, if a building worth £100,000 but insured for £50,000 is totally destroyed, the insurers will only pay £25,000
ˈbreak clause LAW PROPERTY
a clause in a contract that allows you to end the contract early, for example in a contract for using a building or a piece of land
ˈbreakdown ˌclause
COMMERCE TRANSPORT LAW a condition in a contract, saying that someone who pays to use a ship, aircraft, vehicle, or piece of machinery will not have to pay any money during any period of time when the ship, aircraft etc is not working properly
ˈcommerce ˌclause
ECONOMICS LAW a clause in the US constitution, giving Congress the authority to control business, labour, and farming that takes place between the different states of the US:

• Discrimination against waste from other states violates the interstate commerce clause of the American Constitution.

confidentiˈality ˌclause
HUMAN RESOURCES LAW a clause, especially in a contract of employment, that says you must not give other people or companies private information about your employer's activities:

• He had breached the terms of a confidentiality clause in his agreement.

continuˈation ˌclause INSURANCE
a clause in an insurance policy by which insurance cover will continue after the end of the policy until a new one is paid for
enˈabling ˌclause
LAW part of a new law or bill that gives officials the power to start using the new law and to make sure it is obeyed:

• The enabling clause allows the local authorities to make the necessary provision for new housing, including places for the homeless.

ˈescalator ˌclause
COMMERCE part of a contract that states that a price or other quantity may be increased if certain conditions occur:

• Canada proposed an escalator clause for an airline to increase services if its aircraft were more than 65% full.

esˈcape ˌclause
COMMERCE LAW part of a contract that states that someone is no longer bound by a particular part of a contract if certain conditions occur:

• The wage deal has an escape clause: companies may pay their workers less if they exercise a `hardship clause'.

ˈgagging ˌclause also ˈgag clause [countable] LAW
informal HUMAN RESOURCES another name for confidentiality clause:

• Does a gagging clause in my contract of employment prevent me from blowing the whistle on my employer?

ˈget-out ˌclause informal LAW COMMERCE
another name for an escape clause:

• The club has revealed that their director of football has a get-out clause in his contract allowing him to leave if he is offered an international position.

ˈgrandfather ˌclause
COMMERCE a clause in a new rule stating that a person or business already doing the activity covered by the rule does not have to follow it:

• The new rule has a good chance of winning approval because it has a generous grandfather clause.

ˈobjects ˌclause
the clause in a company's memorandum of association (= a document giving all the details of a new company when it is formed), listing the things that the company will do, including the types of goods and services that it will deal with:

• The objects clause did not provide for the construction and running of railway systems, only for the manufacture of railway equipment.

ˈpenalty ˌclause
COMMERCE LAW a condition in a contract that says what will happen if one of the people or organizations involved does not do what the contract states they should:

• The defendants were liable to a penalty clause in the main contract if the work was not completed on time.

— see also Institute Clauses

* * *

clause UK US /klɔːz/ noun [C] LAW
a part of a written legal agreement that deals with a particular subject: »

See clause 8.2(b) of the standard sale agreement.


Rules and location for resolving disputes are outlined under the contract's arbitration clause.

add/remove/include a clause »

Some companies will insure you, but will add a clause excluding any flood claims.

See also ASSIGNMENT CLAUSE(Cf. ↑assignment clause), AVERAGE CLAUSE(Cf. ↑average clause), BREAK CLAUSE(Cf. ↑break clause), BREAKDOWN CLAUSE(Cf. ↑breakdown clause), COMMERCE CLAUSE(Cf. ↑commerce clause), CONFIDENTIALITY CLAUSE(Cf. ↑confidentiality clause), CONTINUATION CLAUSE(Cf. ↑continuation clause), ENABLING CLAUSE(Cf. ↑enabling clause), ESCALATOR CLAUSE(Cf. ↑escalator clause), ESCAPE CLAUSE(Cf. ↑escape clause), GAGGING CLAUSE(Cf. ↑gagging clause), GET-OUT CLAUSE(Cf. ↑get-out clause), GRANDFATHER CLAUSE(Cf. ↑grandfather clause), OBJECTS CLAUSE(Cf. ↑objects clause), PENALTY CLAUSE(Cf. ↑penalty clause), SUNSET CLAUSE(Cf. ↑sunset clause)

Financial and business terms. 2012.

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  • clause — [ kloz ] n. f. • XIIIe; « vers, rime » 1190; bas lat. clausa, de claudere « clore », lat. class. clausula ♦ Disposition particulière d un acte. ⇒ condition, convention, disposition. Les clauses d un contrat, d une loi, d un traité. Respecter,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • clause — / klȯz/ n: a distinct section of a writing; specif: a distinct article, stipulation, or proviso in a formal document a no strike clause in the collective bargaining agreement claus·al / klȯ zəl/ adj Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam… …   Law dictionary

  • Clause IV — historically refers to part of the 1918 text of the British Labour Party constitution which set out the aims and values of the party. Before its revision in 1995, its application was the subject of considerable dispute. Contents 1 Text 2… …   Wikipedia

  • Clause 49 — of the Listing Agreement to the Indian stock exchange comes into effect from 31 December 2005. It has been formulated for the improvement of corporate governance in all listed companies. In corporate hierarchy two types of managements are… …   Wikipedia

  • clause — CLAUSE. s. f. Disposition particulière faisant partie d un traité, d un Édit, d un contrat, et de tout autre Acte public ou particulier, etc. Clause expresse. Clause conditionnelle. Mettre, insérer, ajouter une clause dans un contrat, Glisser une …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • clause — Clause. s. f. Condition qu on met dans un traitté, dans un contract, dans un testament &c. Clause expresse. clause conditionnelle. clause dérogatoire. mettre, inserer, adjouster, glisser une clause. on y a mis des clauses avantageuses pour luy.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Clause — Clause, n. [F. clause, LL. clausa, equiv. to L. clausula clause, prop., close of ? rhetorical period, close, fr. claudere to shut, to end. See {Close}.] 1. A separate portion of a written paper, paragraph, or sentence; an article, stipulation, or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Clause — ist die Wortgruppe im Satz, die aus einem finiten Verb (Personalform eines Verbs) und den von ihm abhängigen Wörtern besteht.[1] Der Begriff wird in der Quantitativen Linguistik oft als leicht bestimmbare, annähernde Entsprechung zu und damit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Clause 28 —    Clause 28 is the short name for a section in the Local Government Act of 1988 which made it illegal for local authorities to ‘promote homosexuality’. The clause was widely opposed on marches, vigils and protests, and opponents developed a high …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • clause — [klôz] n. [OFr < ML clausa, for L clausula, a closing (in legal use, section or clause) < clausus, pp. of claudere, to CLOSE2] 1. Gram. a group of words containing a subject and a finite verb, usually forming part of a compound or complex… …   English World dictionary

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